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Re: proper structuring of a package

On Tue, 31 Mar 2020 at 19:03, Mark Olesen <Mark.Olesen@esi-group.com> wrote:
I've been in discussion with Kurt about the openfoam package and have
been looking at adjusting (improving) its structure.
Being very new to debian (and especially debian packaging), there are a
few things that I'd like to get some more ideas about - thus the posting

With OpenFOAM it is fairly common for users to have multiple versions
installed at any one time. For example, to migrate coding for API
changes between versions, or to validate the results of models using
different versions before making a complete switch, or even if an
element is partly broken in a newer version but works in an older version.

Many big systems share the need for multiple versions.   These systems are 
often constantly evolving so any distro package will quickly be outdated for
active research.   Distro packages do, however have advantages for student
labs or workshops where ease of installation is more important than having
the most recent updates.

NASA provides OCSSW, an ocean remote sensing package, that is independent 
of any distribution.  This package supports legacy sensors and is constantly adding
new sensors, so has to support decades old data formats as well as current 
data.    It uses hdf4, hdf5, and netcdf libraries.  Past experience has been
that distro versions of these libraries could not be trusted.   For example, 
the ncdump program could be configured to support netcdf or hdf4.  NASA
provided both versions, renaming the hdf4 version to ncdump_hdf.  These
libraries have a number of compile-time configuration options that may vary
from the choices used by other packages.   
A second example is TeX Live.  The "official CTAN" version installed in a 
top-level directory.   It is common to have multiple versions installed and 
switch between them by adjusting the PATH.   

Some packages are closely tied to particular compiler and/or library versions, so 
commonly include build tools and 3rd party libraries in the system's directory. 
Environment modules, luamod, or ad hoc sourced scripts are used to adjust  
user's environment.   For some of these systems, users routinely modify and 
rebuild parts of the system so need stable compliers and 3rd party libraries.

Needless churn occurs when such big systems are packaged in the 
usual way.  System maintainers and users have to sort out distro-specific 
organization changes and deal with problems resulting from distro updates 
to build tools or 3rd party libraries.   

In the RPM world, I've handled this by an admittedly somwehat ugly approach.

1) Version-specific packages such as openfoam1906, openfoam1912 etc with
a "minor" version according to the patch-level (eg,

2) An openfoam meta-package to specify the latest production version by
requiring the version-specific package (eg,

To allow simultaneous installation of multiple versions, I'm installing
into /opt/openfoam1912, /opt/openfoam1906 etc. This is okay for a
third-party package, but not for a debian-package.  What would be the
correct place for these?
IMO, using alternatives is not viable. There are simply too many exes
and libs, names may change, etc.

The NASA OCSSW software uses environment variables for the
locations of various types of data.   Binaries use relative paths for
dynamic libraries, so are selected by changing the PATH variable.
Installation is done with a python script that fetches git bundles.
The top level directory contains a shell script that is sourced to
set the environment.   It is common to have a couple versions
as well as a version used for testing and debugging.

Had thought about dropping everything into a multi-arch directory, but
not sure how that should be properly realised, and where the sources
would then be located.

Looking for ideas and discussion.

For TeX Live, many distros package a recent version.   This gives a 
common base for other packages that use TeX/LaTeX.   For multi-year
projects (books) a CTAN version can provide stability.   

There are clearly use cases that are not well served by distro packages, 
resulting in ad-hoc approaches.   This creates difficulties for people moving
between projects, as they have to learn new conventions and practices for
each new big system.   I think there are always going to be systems that
have to installed outside the distro structure, but it could be helpful to
organize packages (as you appear to have done) so it is easy to move to
a distro package.   This also means the internal organization of the system 
would follow distro conventions, making it easier for a new user to find
things.   As you noted, the alternatives system is not appropriate for
switching between versions of large systems.  Environment modules 
have been in use since Sun and SGI were popular.   Environment
Canada has used an in-house system -- not sure if it is still active -- 
which may have been done to get around some limitation of the 
environment modules approach.

George N. White III

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