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Re: Need review of my package


As a first step, do you run lintian in a verbose mode (--info) or do you use 
lintian-info? Just in case you didn't know, lintian often has a really good 
explanation of the tag, some references for more reading and often info about 
how to fix the problem too.

> P: spview source: rules-requires-root-missing

$ lintian-info -t rules-requires-root-missing
P: rules-requires-root-missing
N:   The debian/control file is missing an explicit Rules-Requires-Root
N:   field.
N:   Traditionally, Debian packages have required root privileges for some
N:   debian/rules target requiring a split between build and binary
N:   targets. This makes the builds slower due to the increased amount of
N:   invocations as well as the overhead of fakeroot itself.
N:   Please specify (eg.) Rules-Requires-Root: no in the debian/control
N:   source stanza, but packagers should verify using diffoscope(1) that
N:   the binaries built with this field present are identical.
N:   Refer to /usr/share/doc/dpkg-dev/rootless-builds.txt.gz, Debian Policy
N:   Manual section 4.9.2 (debian/rules and Rules-Requires-Root), and
N:   Debian Policy Manual section 5.6.31 (Rules-Requires-Root) for details.
N:   Severity: pedantic, Certainty: certain
N:   Check: debian/control, Type: source
Very few packages actually need to be built as root (or even with fakeroot) so 
adding "Rules-Requires-Root: no" to the first stanza of debian/control tells 
the build system not to do this. Building is (slightly) faster in this mode 
and not building as root can actually make some test suites work better.

> W: spview source: inconsistent-appstream-metadata-license
> debian/spview.appdata.xml (cc0-1.0 != gpl-3+) 

This is about comparing metadata_license (which is the licence for the 
spview.appdata.xml file) and what the package says in debian/copyright about 
spview.appdata.xml. If you look at the debian/copyright in the package, it is 
asserting that the appstream file is GPL-3+ (by virtual of the Files: * 
paragraph). It's normal for the appstream data to be CC0 and documenting that 
in debian/copyright is the consequence.

> I: spview source: testsuite-autopkgtest-missing

BTW if you can add something that is at least a smoke test of the jar then 
that would be great (something that fails due to the manifest as you write 
below, for instance!). Even better if the application has a test suite that 
can be run against the installed jar.

> Then, after all these things, it appears that my app does not work. After
> installation I have: no main manifest attribute, in
> /usr/share/java/spview.jar

How does the user execute the jar? If you've got a wrapper script then you can 
call the explicit class name that should be instantiated from the jar. I can't 
spot anything wrong in your d/rules but then my java building skills have not 
kept up with the plethora of build system out there for java.... the debian-
java mailing list or #debian-java on irc.debian.org / irc.oftc.net might be a 
better place to ask.


Stuart Prescott    http://www.nanonanonano.net/   stuart@nanonanonano.net
Debian Developer   http://www.debian.org/         stuart@debian.org
GPG fingerprint    90E2 D2C1 AD14 6A1B 7EBB 891D BBC1 7EBB 1396 F2F7

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