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Re: Bug#899007: bauble: Depends on unmaintained python-gdata

Hi here again!

On 18/03/2019 09:17, Mario Frasca wrote:
> but let me check and I will come back to you shortly. 
trying to forget about the point ›0.9.7 is grossly outdated‹, I cloned
your repository https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/bauble.git and set
the goal "install this bauble as I always did with bauble.classic and
still do with ghini.desktop":

* create a virtual environment with access to system-site-packages
* activate it
* python ./setup.py build
* python ./setup.py install
* run bauble

the install step does not work out of the box, I had to manually install
gdata, mako, and SQLAlchemy (I understand that the Debian way to go is
to install the above libraries globally, but let's suppose that either
globally, or in a virtual environment, it's the same.)  the version
check for SQLAlchemy only tests the second digit, so I edited it:

--- a/bauble/db.py
+++ b/bauble/db.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ SQLALCHEMY_DEBUG = False
     import sqlalchemy as sa
     parts = sa.__version__.split('.')
-    if int(parts[1]) < 5:
+    if int(parts[0]) == 0 and int(parts[1]) < 5:
         msg = _('This version of Bauble requires SQLAlchemy 0.5.0 or
                 'Please download and install a newer version of
SQLAlchemy ' \
                 'from http://www.sqlalchemy.org or contact your system '

anyhow, with the three in place, and the check edited, bauble installs
and shows the initial screen.  I go through the steps: type a new
connection name, and a new database location, bauble informs me that the
database is empty, which is all as expected,

then it crashes.

pluginmgr.py(537): Could not import the bauble.plugins.garden module.
cannot import name PropertyLoader
pluginmgr.py(537): Could not import the bauble.plugins.tag module.
cannot import name SQLError

as said: so grossly outdated, I myself had never used this version, I
don't know how much work I would need to update it to the changed
environment.  we're talking of something that was released in 2009,
three years before I got involved and shortly before the initial commit
for line 1.0:

commit c755b7266f612add5b6003ee184f47f1ac3d6dca
Author: Brett Atoms <brettatoms@launchpad.net>
Date:   Wed Jun 24 16:18:40 2009 -0400

    - bump version to 1.0.0b1

I understand that importing ghini.desktop into Buster is not an option,
but it is the only sensible action in my opinion.  next event on the
timeline is EOL for 2.7, which will prevent inclusion of
bauble.classic-1.0.56 and ghini.desktop-1.0.x into sid.
I don't know.  how much time do we have?  is bauble-0.9.7 the only
bauble version that can make it into Debian Buster?  the sad thing is
that 0.9 is database-incompatible with 1.0.


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