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[ROS] Bringing ros-visualization to Debian


First of all I have to say that it's great to work with ROS under
Debian because it just works out-of-the-box without any additional
package sources.

A couple of months ago I tried to use the ros-visualization package
which is not available in the Debian sources. I think there was a big
Qt transition going on at that time. Since the visualization tools
depend heavily on Qt, I wasn't able to build them. However, today I
tried again and got the tools basically running, so maybe they could be
put into a package now.

During my experiments I encountered one problem: The shiboken generator
wasn't able to find some include files, although they exist and the
include paths are set correctly in the command line (according to the
output of the generator which I attached). However, if I disable the
shiboken part in the corresponding CMakeLists.txt
(qt_gui_core/qt_gui_cpp/src/qt_gui_cpp_shiboken) the build succeeds and
I can use tools like rqt_plot. Maybe this can be fixed, but that's
beyond my knowledge.


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