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Re: Virtuoso-opensource

On Tue, Sep 04, 2018 at 04:30:21PM +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
> > We are starting to use it locally as Stretch backport and I have not
> > seen issues.
> I would also like a stretch backport (amd64).
> Is it available somewhere?

Just do a

   gbp clone https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/virtuoso-opensource
      (or apt-get source virtuoso-opensource-7
       but Git has some new changes)
   dch --bpo
   gbp build (with your options to a stretch pbuilder chroot)

I do not intend to upload what I have currently since that would be
consume even more time, sorry.  I'd love to provide a backport once
we are in a state where the package is in testing.
> > You are welcome but as I said while the package is somehow working its
> > only half done regarding the usual Debian quality while probably
> > matching a local build of the upstream source.
> > 
> > Any volunteer is more than welcome to complete the work
> I am affraid I am not so good in packaging, and I have not much
> experience with it... Sorry.

I admit there are less complex packages for a beginner to start
learning.  However trying to create your local backport will give you
some training - or at least you find the needed docs to read what to do.
Sorry for beeing that short but I'm busy with other stuff. 

Kind regards



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