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Re: Please categorise your packages for the Debian Science metapackages (second iteration)

Dear Andreas,

I would have been happy to do the job directly but I currently do not
have access to a running debian machine I can "control" (have devscripts
installed) and I lack time/HD space for a VM install. It perhaps could
make sense to have it on alioth? (no troll intended - if it can be
categorized as such)

So my suggestions,  on the packages I know/use,  if this can be useful:

coinmp		logic, mathematics, numerical computation

It's a C-API to COIN, a linear/ILP optimization solver (with branch and cut, cut generation...). 
coinbc, coinsymphony, coincg are there already. It would be logical to put coinmp there too.

collada-dom	viewing	 (given that it is in debian-science)

collada is a format/initiative for 3D models exchange. I see collada-dom is a 
"Document Object Model/XML" version. Would be more a "graphics' package 
for me than a science one (personal opinion, arguable, YMMV).

evolver		mathematics, physics, numerical computation

Evolver is a minimal surface optimization tool (variational optimization), 
math/numerical computation because it is a numerical variational optimization, 
physics because it allows to model eg. liquid/solid interface.

toulbar2        machine learning, physics, logic, mathematics, numerical computation

optimization on discrete graphical models. Machine learning/Physics because it solves 
"maximum a posteriori" on Markov Random Fields used in ML and statistical physics. Logic,
mathematic, numerical computation because it is also a general discrete optimization tool 
that can solve both logical or numerical NP-complete decision problems.

Kind regards,

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