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Re: ROS environment setup

Hi Dino,

great to get some feedback on the packages. Feel free to mail, when you
find a problem.

* Dino H. <oss@hllmnn.de> [2017-01-28 11:05]:
> I installed ROS from the official Stretch sources. However, I'm not able to
> use it since the environment is not set up correctly. For example, if I try
> to do
> catkin_create_pkg test roscpp
> I get the following error: catkin_create_pkg: error: argument --rosdistro is
> required

Great find, rosdistro is set as a required argument, although it is
superfluous. You can put anything for now and I will upload a fixed
version shortly.

> Is there a setup script corresponding to /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash
> that sets all required environment variables, like ROS_DISTRO,

Good point, we still need more documentation on this (help welcome).
Actually, you don't need a setup.bash, as long as you only want to use
packages installed on the system level. As we are installing into /usr,
everything should just work and if you want to develop in a catkin
workspace, catkin_make and alike will create one for you.

If you follow the tutorial on wiki.ros.org, simply try the next command
if one fails ;).

> There are some related scripts in /etc/catkin/profile.d, but how are those
> invoked?

AFAIR they are used from catkin internally.

Cheers Jochen

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