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Re: New sundials upstream release

I had a quick look at the changes when 3.0 came out (I'm not sure about the difference between 3.0 and 3.1, there was no announcement of 3.1 that I saw). Upstream appears to have changed their API again. The next release of octave is broken by the changes (https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?func=detailitem&item_id=52475), but it's not in Debian. There were also mentions of build issues on the mailing list (http://sundials.2283335.n4.nabble.com/Re-cmake-and-linkage-on-Unix-td4654099.html, http://sundials.2283335.n4.nabble.com/sundials-3-0-build-patches-td4654087.html, http://sundials.2283335.n4.nabble.com/cmake-and-linkage-on-Unix-td4653972.html), but I'm not sure if they've been fixed or not.

On 25 December 2017 at 06:38, Dima Kogan <dkogan@debian.org> wrote:
Hi all.

Sid currently has sundials 2.7. There's a new major release from
upstream: 3.1.0:


I haven't started to look at the update yet. Does anybody know of a
reason to NOT update our packages yet? I.e. is anybody maintaining some
dependency that will get broken with the new library?

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