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Re: mathic/mathicgb RC bugs -- sponsorship request

Hi Sébastien,

On 08/06/2017 07:02 AM, Sébastien Villemot wrote:
Le vendredi 04 août 2017 à 21:47 -0400, Doug Torrance a écrit :
Would anyone be able to sponsor mathic and mathicgb?

I've uploaded new versions to git [1,2] fixing the RC bugs [3,4].

I have reviewed the two packages. This is a good job, but there are
still some issues that need to be fixed:

Thanks for the review!  I've uploaded my updates to git.

1) In mathic, you dropped the symbols file. I think this is a
reasonable choice for a C++ library. However this means that you must
take extra care of the other system for managing shared library
dependencies, namely the shlibs system. Currently the shlibs file does
not contain a tight enough dependency. The problem is that, looking at
the former .symbols file, some symbols were apparently introduced in
the 1.0~git20160320 release, which were not in the 1.0~git20130827
release. This means that a standalone program using the new symbols
will not get a tight enough dependency.

This can be fixed by calling dh_makeshlibs with -V "libmathic0v5 (>=
1.0~git20160320)". Or, if new symbols were introduced in the snapshot
you just packaged (I did not check), it should even be -V "libmathic0v5
(>= 1.0~git20170606)".

Note that another option is to call dh_makeshlibs with the -V option
without any extra argument, in which case dh_makeshlibs will always
generate the tightest possible dependency; the upside is that this
means that you don't have to check for new symbols on every new
upstream version, and you can't have too loose a dependency; the
downside is that you generate dependencies that may be too tight,
needlessly complicating the life of dpkg/apt.

It's up to you to decide which solution is the best.

Shared library management can be tricky. Don't hesitate to ask if you
need more explanations about this issue.

I went ahead and just used dh_makeshlibs -V, without any specific version. If you look through d/changelog when I tried to maintain a .symbols file, I had to update at every release!

2) In mathicgb, I get many messages like this from dpkg-shlibdeps:

dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol _ZN4memt10BufferPool12growCapacityEv used by debian/libmathicgb0/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmathicgb.so.0.0.0 found in none of the libraries
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol _ZN6mathiclsERSoRKNS_13ColumnPrinterE used by debian/libmathicgb0/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmathicgb.so.0.0.0 found in none of the libraries
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol _ZN6mathic13ColumnPrinter17repeatToEndOfLineEc used by debian/libmathicgb0/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmathicgb.so.0.0.0 found in none of the libraries

Obviously, libmathicgb is underlinked. It misses at least a dependency on libmathic, and maybe more.

I found the problem and added a patch, which has also been submitted upstream.

I've also made a few additional changes since the original review. In particular, bumping to Standards-Version 4.0.1 and adding another patch closing another mathicgb bug.


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