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Re: failure uploading new version of dijitso


Drew Parsons writes:
> Johannes Ring is the upstream author and a Debian Maintainer (but not
> full DDeveloper).  We're lucky to have him so closely involved in the
> Debian maintenance of dijitso and the other FEniCS packages.
> Lately Johannes tried to upload dijitso 2017.1 to experimental but the
> system blocked him, citing insufficient permissions. Certainly I could
> do the upload but we wanted to understand what the block was.

Debian Maintainers can only upload packages they have been explicitly
granted permission to upload.  Nobody has allowed Johannes to upload
dijitso (see the current permissions at [1]), so the upload gets

To grant DMs upload permissions, any DD can either use `dcut` from
`dput-ng` or manually write a *.dak-commands file[2] and upload it.
dak will then update the ACL and send a confirmation message by mail.

The .dak-commands file should look something like this:

| Archive: ftp.debian.org
| Uploader: Drew Parsons <dparsons@debian.org>
| Action: dm
| Fingerprint: ${40 hexdigits fingerprint of the DMs PGP key}
| Allow: dijitso
+---[ dparsons-20170808-2227.dak-commands ]


  [1] <https://ftp-master.debian.org/dm.txt>
  [2] <https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2012/09/msg00008.html>

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