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failure uploading new version of dijitso

Hi FTP masters, we have a question about updating dijitso to the new
version 2017.1.

Johannes Ring is the upstream author and a Debian Maintainer (but not
full DDeveloper).  We're lucky to have him so closely involved in the
Debian maintenance of dijitso and the other FEniCS packages.

Lately Johannes tried to upload dijitso 2017.1 to experimental but the
system blocked him, citing insufficient permissions. Certainly I could
do the upload but we wanted to understand what the block was.

The package names are the same, python-dijitso etc, so it's not a
question of passing the NEW queue.

Johannes has independently uploaded new versions of the other packages
before, e.g. fiat 2016.2, ffc 2016.1, etc. So the problem is not simply
about uploading a new version with a new orig tarball.

Can you help us understand what's blocking him from uploading dijitso
2017.1 (to experimental)?


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