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Re: Sponsor upload needed for updated packages: python-pynlpl, libticcutils, libfolia, uctodata, ucto

Hi Mattia,

>  nonetheless `wrap-and-sort -a` does it.

I applied that now.

> Those messages are of I(nfo) and P(edantic) level, not shown by default;

Right, enabling it as you suggested worked, most of the messages are now
resolved. The two remaining I ignore: duplicate-short-description,

> Oh, I just noticed that commit f55a54cff439a530088b96b17bc34d74f810a73b
> is referenced by 2 tags <debian/1.0.9>, <debian/1.0.9-1>.  The first is
> just bogus; the second please don't do them, unless you're really sure
> that's what's going to end up in the archive.  In my usual sponsoring
> workflow I usually take care of adding the debian/ tag while uploading.
> Can you remove those 2 tags from the repository?

That makes more sense indeed, I removed both tags now.

> * git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/libfolia.git

  * d/rules:
    + this one's cdbs too.  Anyway, if you bump compat level to >= 9 (i.e.
      10?) you shouldn't need that DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAG thing anymore.
    + and why not converting to dh directly at that point? :P

I don't really know how, I inherited it like this. I bumped to compat level now in any case.

  * d/control:
    + that's full of trailing whitespaces :(  (wrap-and-sort(1) removes
      them btw)
    + the -dev package could be M-A:same
    + duplicate-short-description libfolia-dev libfolia4
  * d/copyright:
    + wrong order of paragraph
    + Author is not a recognized field name, what you could use is
      "Comment" though.
    + copyright-refers-to-symlink-license


  > * git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/uctodata.git

  * d/changelog:
    + missing changes….

I think you mean the changes that were before the first release

  * d/control:
    + wrap-and-sort please?
    + https in Vcs-* please

  erm, and after this I realized Vcs-Git of what's in the archive is wrong
  as it points to another package repo....
  restarting over...

Oops.. Fixed now.

  * you didn't even fix the RC bug affecting the pacakge, srly?

Ooops... I missed that one indeed, I should get accustomed to checking it regularly.. fixed it now.

  * d/rules:
    + but do you actually prefer cdbs over dh?

I have no preference

  * d/control:
    + please fix Vcs-Git
    + trailing whitespaces all over
    + the binary could be M-A:foreign
  * d/uctodata.lintian-overrides
    + please remove this
  * d/copyright:
    + same stuff as the above package


> * git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/ucto.git

  * d/changelog:
    + missing changes….
  * d/control:
    + wrap-and-sort please?
    + https in Vcs-* please
    + the -dev could be m-a:same
  * d/copyright:
    + ditto


That concludes all packages, hopefully they are all in order for upload now?



Maarten van Gompel
    Centre for Language Studies
    Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen


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