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Re: looking for a maintainer (pcb-rnd)

pcb-rnd@igor2.repo.hu writes:

> I got redirected from pkg-electronics-devel to debian-science with the 
> request below. I already have a working binary package lintian finds 
> good, the source package still has some lintian warnings. I'm the upstream 
> developer/maintainer; if someone is willing to maintain the debian 
> packages, I'd give all support from upstream side.

Hi. I could potentially do this, but I really don't like forks. Is the
original gEDA PCB project dead? Do you share patches? Why would somebody
want to use the original pcb instead of this one? Can you send some
links of the mailing list discussion that started the fork? And how does
the bus factor of your fork compare to that of the gEDA pcb?

To be clear, there're no rules saying that Debian shouldn't carry forked
projects, but you're looking for a maintainer and not a sponsor, so you
need to sell this to a potential maintainer.


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