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Please consider team maintenance for r-cran-jsonlite

Hi Chris,

I was stumbling upon r-cran-jsonlite since r-cran-rredlist has a
dependency on version 1.1 but we only have 1.0.  If r-cran-jsonlite
would be maintained in Debian Science team I would have simply done
the upgrade.  Unfortunately it is not maintained in any VCS and you
are a single maintainer so I do not have permission to hijack the

I think I had similar requests to either this package or some other of
yours in the past but I admit I do not rememeber your opinion about
this any more.  If you agree I'd volunteer to commit r-cran-jsonlite
packaging to Debian Science Git (or SVN if you prefer the latter) and
upgrade to the new version as team upload.  If you agree I could even
switch the packaging from cdbs to dh-r.

Thanks for considering



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