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Re: Sponsor upload request for new package python-clam

Hi Mattia, 

Thanks for picking it up.

Quoting Mattia Rizzolo (2016-11-13 19:44:33)
> * d/control:
>   + X-Python-Version in the py3 package is obviously wrong

Right, added a 3

>   + I've never seen ${python:Version} used, where this is coming from?
>     It looks very fishy to me.

It's been a year since I generated this, so I don't recall exactly where it
came from. I only know I didn't make it up myself and it's either from some
documentation or auto-generted :) If you're sure it's unnecessary I can remove

> * d/changelog:
>   + only the "inital release" line should be there

Ok, I was trying to be explicit and follow the git commits, removing the rest

>   + and you have a trailing whitespace at line 3


> * d/clamclient.1
>   + accessible only through -h, and manpages generated by help2man?  so,
>     where are the options?

That manpage is just a stub (better something than nothing), referring to -h for documentation instead  (options were too specific for help2man to parse)

> * d/clamservice.1
>   + this is basically empty?!

I copied startclamservice.1 over it now rather than referring ot it, it's basically an alias.

> * d/rules:
>   + get rid of pointless comments, please


>   + why are you overriding the default shebang rewrite?

I was experimenting with something, it's indeed redundant now, removed

> * d/s/options
>   + tar-ignore=.git and .gitignore is unneeded for source format 3.0,
>     and why that list of clam/config/ stuff?  if that is autogenerated
>     I'd rather like to see it in d/clean or such

It's not auto-generated, I added those explicitly, they'll be removed in
a later upstream version.

> * d/source.lintian-overrides:
>   + i usually prefer this file in d/s/lintian-overrides btw

Ok, moved

>   + libjs-jquery-ui is packaged, please use it (and get rid of that
>     embedded copy?)
>   + ditto for libjs-jquery-datatables
>   + and there is also a jquery.fineuploader (doesn't seem packaged this
>     one though) :(  https://wiki.debian.org/EmbeddedCodeCopies

Hmm, that may be a bit problematic. I have no idea what the conventions in
debian are for web-application like this, but upstream expects everything in one
place and with very specific version numbers.

> * so you're building the same thing for py3 and py2, installing both and
>   have them conflict (which is even forbidden for priority:optional
>   packages, even).  I don't think this is the best approach.  I'd create
>   a 3rd package ('clam' perhaps?), and install there the py3 scripts,
>   and the manpages.  And just rm the scripts installed by pybuild in the
>   py2 package.  At this point I'd seriously consider whether there is a
>   point in shipping python-clam at all, but I'll leave this to you.

Yes, I agree it's not ideal. I also considered simply not shipping the python 2
version. If you say it is forbidden then I guess we should only do python 3 to
keep things easy.  A third package seems a bit overkill to me, and I'm not even sure
how to separate the things.

> Note that I haven't done a copyright review yet.

OK, I already did the ordering and wrap-and-sort, but undoubtedly you'll spot
something I missed :)



Maarten van Gompel
    Centre for Language Studies
    Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen


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