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Re: autodep8 for R packages?

I have written a patch[1] for autodep8 which generates implicit
`library(foo)` tests for R packages.

If I understand the current ci.debian.net set-up correctly, this would
then be used for any matching[2] packages which don't have their own
specific test configuration.

Are there any serious objections to forwarding this to autodep8? (No
guarantee they'd accept it, of course)


[1]: https://git.chronitis.net/autodep8.git/rrequire/
[2]: Packages are matched by source name /^r-/ and having a

On 08/04/16 08:51, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 05, 2016 at 10:50:19PM +0200, Gordon Ball wrote:
>> I thought about trying to generalise running the test/ directory (as R
>> CMD check does), but since the r-base-dev CDBS makefile doesn't run the
>> tests, their dependencies are not guaranteed to be installed or even
>> packaged.
> Regarding build-time tests see #752609.
> Kind regards
>      Andreas.

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