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Re: ceres-solver

Hi Philipp,

2015-03-14 15:10 GMT+01:00 Philipp Huebner <debalance@debian.org>:
> I want to get ceres-solver (back) into Debian (see #673238) and for that
> matter joined debian-science on alioth not long ago and subscribed to the
> list.


> If nobody objects, I would like to set up a git repository for it under [2].
> Should I include/migrate the svn of the earlier package? And if so, how?
> Or simply import the old package from snapshots.d.o into git?

For older projects I was trying to convert svn to git. If it is not possible,
just did what you said; imported history from snapshots.d.o.

> As for uploading, it requires the suitesparse package currently in NEW [3]
> waiting to enter experimental. Does anybody know if uploads to experimental
> can have build-depends on other experimental packages? I couldn't find any
> information on that.

As far as I know, yes. But your target repository should also be set
to "experimental".

Welcome on board


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