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Hey everyone,

I want to get ceres-solver (back) into Debian (see #673238) and for that matter joined debian-science on alioth not long ago and subscribed to the

The package is more or less ready and currently parked on mentors [1],
any feedback is welcome!

If nobody objects, I would like to set up a git repository for it under [2]. Should I include/migrate the svn of the earlier package? And if so, how?
Or simply import the old package from snapshots.d.o into git?

As for uploading, it requires the suitesparse package currently in NEW [3] waiting to enter experimental. Does anybody know if uploads to experimental can have build-depends on other experimental packages? I couldn't find any
information on that.

[1] https://mentors.debian.net/package/ceres-solver
[2] git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/ceres-solver.git
[3] https://ftp-master.debian.org/new/suitesparse_1:4.4.3-1.html

Kind regards,
 .''`.   Philipp Huebner <debalance@debian.org>
: :'  :  pgp fp: 6719 25C5 B8CD E74A 5225  3DF9 E5CA 8C49 25E4 205F
`. `'`

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