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Re: Second round (Was: Packages maintained by Debian Science maintainers but missing in tasks files)

Hi Andreas,

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 06:17:38PM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> For those who have left the form above blank please have a look at the
> list of 37 packages below and help me putting the packages into tasks.
> I'll leave the text of the second round here in case you have missed
> the explanation (and feel free to ask me for clarification if this is
> not sufficient.

Many thanks for your work, I apologize for being late.  I was kind of
"trapped in the winter months" ...

I am not sure how to handle my packages best:

>        source        |                                           bin                                            |                       changed_by
> ---------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------
>  libticables         | libticables-dev, libticables2-6, libticables2-dbg                                        | Andreas B. Mundt <andi@debian.org>
>  libticalcs          | libticalcs-dev, libticalcs2-11, libticalcs2-11-dbg                                       | Andreas B. Mundt <andi@debian.org>
>  libticonv           | libticonv-dev, libticonv7, libticonv-dbg                                                 | Andreas B. Mundt <andi@debian.org>
>  libtifiles          | libtifiles-dev, libtifiles2-9, libtifiles2-9-dbg                                         | Andreas B. Mundt <andi@debian.org>
>  tiemu               | tiemu                                                                                    | Andreas B. Mundt <andi@debian.org>
>  tilem               | tilem, tilem-data                                                                        | Andreas B. Mundt <andi@debian.org>
>  tilp2               | tilp2                                                                                    | Andreas B. Mundt <andi@debian.org>

They are all related to the Texas Instruments calculators, either as
emulator or to communicate with the actual device.

So they might be useful in many scientific fields, engineering,
physics and mathematics fit, but also data acquisition and probably
some more.

On the other hand, someone really working in those fields uses a much
more flexible and convenient PC today.  In addition, there has not
been much upstream development for quite some time now, and I fear
that sooner or later the hardware will disappear, as will the

We could add the packages to quite a lot of tasks or create a new
task, perhaps like "scientific-tools" or "scientific-devices".

Or we could ignore them as they are already on their way to retire
from being used widely (and with, vanishing upstream support, should
not be recommended more than needed).

Any suggestions?

Best regards,




GPG key: 4096R/617B586D 2010-03-22 Andreas B. Mundt--<andreas.b.mundt@web.de>
                                   Andreas B. Mundt--<andi.mundt@web.de>

         938A 5CEE 1E29 0DE2 55D9  AC98 B01F EA84 617B 586D


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