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Re: Second round (Was: Packages maintained by Debian Science maintainers but missing in tasks files)

Hi again,

the overwhelming response to the second round (= one single response)
has inspired me to work down the list myself a bit which reduced the
number of not categorised packages to less than a half of the initial
list.  It would be really cool if others would show slightly more
engagement to release the next version of Debian Science metapackages.
If you are in CC of this mail than a package of yours is affected and I
would really like you to at least fill in this form

  [ ] I'm not active in Debian Sience any more (MIA)
  [ ] I have no idea what this whole tasks stuff is about and
      what I'm expected to do.  Please explain.

For those who have left the form above blank please have a look at the
list of 37 packages below and help me putting the packages into tasks.
I'll leave the text of the second round here in case you have missed
the explanation (and feel free to ask me for clarification if this is
not sufficient.

On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 02:13:03PM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi again,
> this is the second round of the attempt to get all packages maintained
> by Debian Science team properly injected into the Debian Science tasks.
> There are 87 remaining source packages.  I added the accorcing binary
> packages which actually need to be mentioned inside any of our tasks
> files (or might be part of new tasks files).  I also added the
> maintainer ID who did the last change to this package.
> I hope we can boil down this list a bit further and in a third round
> I'll ping the according maintainers about their opinion.  You might also
> like to point out pure preconditions for some scientific software that
> should not belong to any tasks file and I'll whitelist these in the
> script (see below).
> Kind regards
>        Andreas.
> On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 10:22:43AM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> > I totally rewrote the script
> > which is now based on the fact that Blends data are now also kept in
> > UDD.  I commited the script to
> > 
> >   http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=blends/website.git;a=blob;f=misc/sql/0-uncategorised.sh

Now here are the new data from this script:

       source        |                                           bin                                            |                       changed_by                        
 ann                 | libann-dev, libann0, ann-tools                                                           | Teemu Ikonen <tpikonen@gmail.com>
 bossa               | bossa, bossa-cli                                                                         | Scott Howard <showard@debian.org>
 cliquer             | cliquer, libcliquer-dev, libcliquer1                                                     | Bernhard R. Link <brlink@debian.org>
 cpushare            | cpushare                                                                                 | Sam Hocevar (Debian packages) <sam+deb@zoy.org>
 double-conversion   | libdouble-conversion1, libdouble-conversion-dev, libdouble-conversion-dbg                | Sébastien Villemot <sebastien@debian.org>
 dune-common         | libdune-common-dev, libdune-common-dbg, libdune-common-2.2.1, libdune-common-doc         | Ansgar Burchardt <ansgar@debian.org>
 dune-geometry       | libdune-geometry-dev, libdune-geometry-dbg, libdune-geometry-2.2.1, libdune-geometry-doc | Ansgar Burchardt <ansgar@debian.org>
 dune-grid           | libdune-grid-dev, libdune-grid-dbg, libdune-grid-2.2.1, libdune-grid-doc                 | Ansgar Burchardt <ansgar@debian.org>
 dune-istl           | libdune-istl-dev, libdune-istl-doc                                                       | Ansgar Burchardt <ansgar@debian.org>
 dune-localfunctions | libdune-localfunctions-dev, libdune-localfunctions-doc                                   | Ansgar Burchardt <ansgar@debian.org>
 dxflib              | libdxflib-dev, libdxflib-, libdxflib-                                  | Scott Howard <showard@debian.org>
 feel++              | libfeel++1, libfeel++-dev, libfeel++-dbg, feel++-apps, feel++-doc                        | Christophe Prud'homme <prudhomm@debian.org>
 ferari              | python-ferari                                                                            | Johannes Ring <johannr@simula.no>
 flann               | libflann-dev, libflann1.8, flann-doc                                                     | Mathieu Malaterre <malat@debian.org>
 gfm                 | gfm                                                                                      | Andreas B. Mundt <andi@debian.org>
 gmp                 | libgmp10, libgmpxx4ldbl, libgmp-dev, libgmp10-doc, libgmp3-dev                           | Steve M. Robbins <smr@debian.org>
 hyantesite          | libhyantes-dev, libhyantes0, hyantesite                                                  | serge guelton <serge.guelton@enst-bretagne.fr>
 instant             | python-instant                                                                           | Johannes Ring <johannr@simula.no>
 libticables         | libticables-dev, libticables2-6, libticables2-dbg                                        | Andreas B. Mundt <andi@debian.org>
 libticalcs          | libticalcs-dev, libticalcs2-11, libticalcs2-11-dbg                                       | Andreas B. Mundt <andi@debian.org>
 libticonv           | libticonv-dev, libticonv7, libticonv-dbg                                                 | Andreas B. Mundt <andi@debian.org>
 libtifiles          | libtifiles-dev, libtifiles2-9, libtifiles2-9-dbg                                         | Andreas B. Mundt <andi@debian.org>
 minpack             | minpack-dev, libminpack1                                                                 | Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre@debian.org>
 mrmpi               | libmrmpi-dev, libmrmpi1, mrmpi-doc                                                       | Mathieu Malaterre <malat@debian.org>
 ntl                 | libntl0, libntl-dev                                                                      | Bernhard R. Link <brlink@debian.org>
 openstereogram      | openstereogram                                                                           | Scott Howard <showard@debian.org>
 parmetis            | libparmetis-dev, libparmetis3.1, parmetis-test, parmetis-doc                             | Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre@debian.org>
 pycollada           | python-collada                                                                           | Anton Gladky <gladk@debian.org>
 python-quantities   | python-quantities                                                                        | Andrea Palazzi <palazziandrea@yahoo.it>
 qtexengine          | libqtexengine-dev, libqtexengine1                                                        | Scott Howard <showard@debian.org>
 qwtplot3d           | libqwtplot3d-qt4-dev, libqwtplot3d-qt4-0, libqwtplot3d-doc                               | Gudjon I. Gudjonsson <gudjon@gudjon.org>
 salome-kernel       | salome-kernel, salome-kernel-dev, salome-kernel-doc, salome-kernel-dbg                   | Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr>
 slepc               | libslepc3.4.2-dev, libslepc3.4.2, libslepc3.4.2-dbg, slepc3.4.2-doc                      | Christophe Trophime <christophe.trophime@lncmi.cnrs.fr>
 slicot              | libslicot0, libslicot-dev, libslicot-pic, libslicot-doc, libslicot-dbg                   | Sébastien Villemot <sebastien.villemot@ens.fr>
 tiemu               | tiemu                                                                                    | Andreas B. Mundt <andi@debian.org>
 tilem               | tilem, tilem-data                                                                        | Andreas B. Mundt <andi@debian.org>
 tilp2               | tilp2                                                                                    | Andreas B. Mundt <andi@debian.org>
(37 rows)

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