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RFS: root-system/5.34.00-1

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "root-system"

* Package name    : root-system
  Version         : 5.34.00-1
  Upstream Author : Rene Brun et al. <rootdev@root.cern.ch>
* URL             : http://root.cern.ch
* License         : LGPL-2.1, GPL-3
  Section         : science

It builds those binary packages:

 libroot-bindings-python-dev - Python extension for ROOT - development files
 libroot-bindings-python5.34 - Python extension for ROOT - runtime libraries
 libroot-bindings-ruby-dev - Ruby extension for ROOT - development headers
 libroot-bindings-ruby5.34 - Ruby extension for ROOT - run-time library
 libroot-core-dev - Header files for ROOT
 libroot-core5.34 - Numerical data analysis framework - shared runtime libraries
 libroot-geom-dev - Geometry library  for ROOT - development files
 libroot-geom5.34 - Geometry library  for ROOT - run-time library
 libroot-graf2d-gpad-dev - Canvas and pad library for ROOT - development files
 libroot-graf2d-gpad5.34 - Canvas and pad library for ROOT - run-time library
 libroot-graf2d-graf-dev - Graph library for ROOT - development files
 libroot-graf2d-graf5.34 - Graph library for ROOT
 libroot-graf2d-postscript-dev - Postscript/PDF renderer library for ROOT - development files
 libroot-graf2d-postscript5.34 - Postscript/PDF renderer library for ROOT
 libroot-graf3d-eve-dev - Event display library for ROOT - development files
 libroot-graf3d-eve5.34 - Event display library for ROOT
 libroot-graf3d-g3d-dev - Basic 3D shapes for ROOT - development files
 libroot-graf3d-g3d5.34 - Basic 3D shapes for ROOT
 libroot-graf3d-gl-dev - GL plugin for ROOT - development files
 libroot-graf3d-gl5.34 - GL plugin for ROOT - runtime library
 libroot-gui-dev - GUI library for ROOT - development files
 libroot-gui-ged-dev - GUI element for editing various ROOT objecs - development files
 libroot-gui-ged5.34 - GUI element for editing various ROOT objecs
 libroot-gui5.34 - GUI library for ROOT - run-time library
 libroot-hist-dev - Histogram library for ROOT - development files
 libroot-hist-spectrum-dev - Spectra analysis library for ROOT - development files
 libroot-hist-spectrum5.34 - Spectra analysis library for ROOT
 libroot-hist5.34 - Histogram library for ROOT - run-time library
 libroot-html-dev - Html documentation generator for ROOT - development files
 libroot-html5.34 - Html documentation generator for ROOT - runtime library
 libroot-io-dev - Input/output of ROOT objects - development files
 libroot-io-xmlparser-dev - XML parser of ROOT objects - development files
 libroot-io-xmlparser5.34 - XML parser of ROOT objects - runtime library
 libroot-io5.34 - Input/output of ROOT objects - runtime library
 libroot-math-foam-dev - Compact Version of Cellular Event Generator - development files
 libroot-math-foam5.34 - Compact Version of Cellular Event Generator
 libroot-math-genvector-dev - Generalized vector library for ROOT - development files
 libroot-math-genvector5.34 - Generalized vector library for ROOT
 libroot-math-mathcore-dev - Core mathemathics library for ROOT - development files
 libroot-math-mathcore5.34 - Core mathemathics library for ROOT
 libroot-math-mathmore-dev - GSL interface library for ROOT - development files
 libroot-math-mathmore5.34 - GSL interface library for ROOT
 libroot-math-matrix-dev - Matrix library for ROOT - development files
 libroot-math-matrix5.34 - Matrix library for ROOT
 libroot-math-minuit-dev - Minuit plugin for ROOT - development files
 libroot-math-minuit5.34 - Minuit plugin for ROOT
 libroot-math-mlp-dev - Multi layer perceptron extension for ROOT - development files
 libroot-math-mlp5.34 - Multi layer perceptron extension for ROOT - run-time libraries
 libroot-math-physics-dev - Physics library for ROOT - development files
 libroot-math-physics5.34 - Physics library for ROOT
 libroot-math-quadp-dev - QuadP extension for ROOT - development files
 libroot-math-quadp5.34 - QuadP extension for ROOT - run-time libraries
 libroot-math-smatrix-dev - Sparse matrix library for ROOT - development files
 libroot-math-smatrix5.34 - Sparse matrix library for ROOT
 libroot-math-splot-dev - Splot library for ROOT - development files
 libroot-math-splot5.34 - Splot library for ROOT
 libroot-math-unuran-dev - Random number generator library - development files
 libroot-math-unuran5.34 - Random number generator library
 libroot-misc-memstat-dev - Memory statistics tool for use with ROOT - development files
 libroot-misc-memstat5.34 - Memory statistics tool for use with ROOT
 libroot-misc-minicern-dev - Small version of CERNLIB for use with ROOT - development files
 libroot-misc-minicern5.34 - Small version of CERNLIB for use with ROOT
 libroot-misc-table-dev - Table library for ROOT - development files
 libroot-misc-table5.34 - Table library for ROOT
 libroot-montecarlo-eg-dev - Event generator library for ROOT - development files
 libroot-montecarlo-eg5.34 - Event generator library for ROOT
 libroot-montecarlo-vmc-dev - Virtual Monte-Carlo library for ROOT - development files
 libroot-montecarlo-vmc5.34 - Virtual Monte-Carlo library for ROOT
 libroot-net-auth-dev - Authentication extension for ROOT - development files
 libroot-net-auth5.34 - Authentication extension for ROOT
 libroot-net-bonjour-dev - Zeroconf extension for ROOT
 libroot-net-bonjour5.34 - Zeroconf extension for ROOT - run-time libraries
 libroot-net-dev - Net library for ROOT - development files
 libroot-net-ldap-dev - LDAP extension for ROOT - development files
 libroot-net-ldap5.34 - LDAP extension for ROOT
 libroot-net5.34 - Net library for ROOT
 libroot-proof-clarens-dev - Clarens extension for ROOT - development files
 libroot-proof-clarens5.34 - Clarens extension for ROOT
 libroot-proof-dev - PROOF library for ROOT - development files
 libroot-proof-proofplayer-dev - PROOF plugin for ROOT - development files
 libroot-proof-proofplayer5.34 - PROOF plugin for ROOT
 libroot-proof5.34 - PROOF library for ROOT
 libroot-roofit-dev - ROOT extension for modeling expected distribtions - development
 libroot-roofit5.34 - ROOT extension for modeling expected distribtions - libraries
 libroot-static - Static archive of ROOT libraries
 libroot-tmva-dev - Toolkit for multivariate data analysis - development files
 libroot-tmva5.34 - Toolkit for multivariate data analysis
 libroot-tree-dev - Tree library for ROOT - development files
 libroot-tree-treeplayer-dev - Library to loop over a ROOT tree - development files
 libroot-tree-treeplayer5.34 - Library to loop over a ROOT tree
 libroot-tree5.34 - Tree library for ROOT
 root-plugin-geom-gdml - GDML import/export module for ROOT geometries
 root-plugin-geom-geombuilder - Geometry builder plugin for ROOT
 root-plugin-geom-geompainter - Geometry painter plugin for ROOT
 root-plugin-graf2d-asimage - AfterImage plugin for ROOT
 root-plugin-graf2d-qt - Graf2d Qt plugin for ROOT
 root-plugin-graf2d-x11 - X window system plugin for ROOT
 root-plugin-graf3d-x3d - X 3D plugin for ROOT
 root-plugin-gui-fitpanel - GUI element for fits plugin for ROOT
 root-plugin-gui-guibuilder - GUI editor plug-in for ROOT
 root-plugin-gui-qt - Qt plugin for ROOT
 root-plugin-gui-sessionviewer - GUI to browse an interactive PROOF session
 root-plugin-hist-hbook - Hbook plugin for ROOT
 root-plugin-hist-histpainter - Histogram painter plugin for ROOT
 root-plugin-hist-spectrumpainter - Spectrum painter plugin for ROOT
 root-plugin-io-sql - SQL plugin for ROOT
 root-plugin-io-xml - XML reader plugin for ROOT
 root-plugin-math-fftw3 - FFTw plugin for ROOT
 root-plugin-math-fumili - Fumili plugin for ROOT
 root-plugin-math-minuit2 - Minuit version 2 plugin for ROOT
 root-plugin-montecarlo-pythia8 - Pythia version 8 plugin for ROOT
 root-plugin-net-globus - Globus plugin for ROOT
 root-plugin-net-krb5 - Kerberos (version 5) plugin for ROOT
 root-plugin-proof-peac - PEAC plugin for ROOT - run-time libraries
 root-plugin-sql-mysql - MySQL client plugin for ROOT
 root-plugin-sql-odbc - ODBC plugin for ROOT
 root-plugin-sql-pgsql - PostgreSQL client plugin for ROOT
 root-plugin-tree-treeviewer - GUI to browse an a ROOT tree
 root-system - metapackage to install all ROOT packages
 root-system-bin - Numerical data analysis framework - general applications
 root-system-common - Common files for ROOT
 root-system-doc - Tutorial and test suit for the ROOT system
 root-system-proofd - Parallel ROOt Facility - distributed, parallel computing
 root-system-rootd - ROOT remote file server
 ttf-root-installer - True type fonts for ROOT - installer package

To access further information about this package, please visit the
following URL:


Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this

 dget -x http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/r/root-system/root-system_5.34.00-1.dsc

and the git repo for Debian packaging is:


Changes since the last upload:

  * New upstream version.
  * Support kFreeBSD.
  * Support Multiarch.
  * Fix CVE-2010-3376: insecure library loading. (Closes: #598419)
  * Fix incomplete ftgl-dev => libftgl-dev transition. (Closes: #498677)
  * root-system-rootd: ship /var/spool/rootd/* as empty directories.
    (Closes: #677053)
  * Debconf translation updates
    - Brazilian Portuguese, thanks to Flamarion Jorge. (Closes: #545383)
    - Danish, thanks to Joe Dalton. (Closes: #600750)
  * Fix typo in package description of root-system-doc. (Closes: #567444)
  * Fix broken python-binding, thanks to Ulrik Sverdrup and Andy Buckley.
    (Closes: #574517)

Lifeng Sun


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