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RFR: debian fftw3 multi-mpi packages

I have been doing some work to get fftw3 into the best possible shape
for wheezy.
This includes multiarch, enabling all runtime detected vector extensions
and multiprocessing library extensions.
It now contains pretty much everything upstream provides except quad

Today I worked on building the mpi library for the two supported
runtimes in debian, openmpi and mpich2.
As I'm not very familiar with how mpi is used in practice so I'd be
grateful for a review of the recent changes in this commit:


Basically I just configure the package 2 times [0] for openmpi and
mpich2 setting MPICC and MPILIBS
MPILIBS the latter is required as libtool does not honor mpicc as a
linker, anyone know how to fix that?
Also I did not find a simple a way to get the mpich library name besides
parsing of its /etc/... configure file.

If no one sees any issues I'd ask for sponsorship of this before the
freeze kicks in.


[0] technically 2 * 3 times for the three float sizes

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