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Gerris is back in Debian

Dear Stéphane,  

I'd been talking with you from my work address about gerris and
axisymmetric applications in the last year or so.  I think I mentioned
I'm in the Debian project, and that we'd get gerris updated in the
Debian archives.

I'm pleased to report this is now done.  Ruben Molina prepared some
fresh packaging, and it's now accepted in Debian unstable (sid).

The snapshot we were working with was from October last year.  Once the
package reaches Debian testing, we'll update to your latest snapshot.

We've got a Debian source repository in git rather than darcs (hope you
don't mind too much!), at

Some queries came up about the different licences of the bits in the
modules subdirectory, they were different from the GPL used for the main
part of gerris. So for simplicity we've just deleted the modules subdir
for now.  Debian are sticklers about free licences ;) 

In your build process you create libgfs separately and then link against
it to build the gerris binaries.  We decided to take this library
separation and package in a similar way to other library packages in
Debian.  So gerris has a Build-Dependency on libgfs-dev, and libgfs-dev
depends on libgfs-1.3-1.  This gives you the freedom to separate out
libgfs into a separate package in the future if you want to.  Of course
gerris also has a runtime dependency on libgfs-dev (I think the binaries
use header files to compile the gfs script into an executable at run
time).  In this way gerris is a bit different to other
library/application combinations, so you could certainly argue we should
have just kept everything, libraries and binaries, in one gerris
package.  Shouldn't really matter in practice, I hope.

We've placed the Debian packaging under the auspices of the Debian
Science group, so managing it won't have to be all just up to me or

Would you like me to send an announcement to the gerris-users mailing

Thanks for a great piece of software!

Drew Parsons

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