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Re: Another bibliography management software.

On Fri, 2 May 2008, Leopold Palomo Avellaneda wrote:


please could you add Tellico? we have debian package and works very well. It's
a generic collection program but it also generate bib files, Lynx bib entry
and openoffice bib entries.

I went for a suggests for the moment.  The effect for the resulting web page
is equal (for the moment until I found the time to implement a more sophisticated
system to separate Recommends from Suggests) but for the future meta packages
I'd regard it better to only suggest such generic packages to not just fill
users harddiscs with packages they might not need.

Also you could create a collection of books from several databases and
generate the bib file. And could scan a directory with pdfs and create a
database of entries.

No, sorry, I can not.  I have no motivation to spend my spare time on this.
But if you think this might be a useful enhancement for Debian users why
don't you do it and ask here whether we just could build a package from it?

Kind regards



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