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Re: Another bibliography management software.

On Thu, May 01, 2008 at 09:20:39PM -0500, Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso wrote:
> Interesting. I have been writing my thesis as a back-and-forth thing
> between my advisor and me, and I print it out, he writes on the
> margins, I retype things, and it goes back to him. The best
> replacement to the bubble system I can think of is some source
> management system, like git, hg, or svn. I'm not sure I'd be able to
> easily sway my advisor to learn to use either one of those, though.
> Is there anything better in Debian?

LyX has everything you need, including notes (of various kinds),
change tracking and support for revision control (or, because LyX
files are encoded in simple text, you can use any revision control
system easily).


MC .  -.. --- -  ..-. .-. .- --. .-  .- -  ..- -.-. .-..  .- -.-.  ..- -.-
NL Professor Eric S Fraga, Chemical Engineering, University College London
BF >++++++++++[>++++++++++>+++++++++++[<]>-]>++.>++++.<-----.++++++.------.

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