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I opened an ITP for Gnudatalaguage (GDL could be confusing in Debian
because it is similar to "Gnome Development Library") 9 months ago.

It exist some problems with libraries, GDL is a complex package, but a
friend of mine and my sponsor, DD, has packaged a GDL version with
without support for HDF files and it is not tested.

I am not a Debian developer but if somebody is interested collaborating
to packagage this free IDL clone, don't hesitate contacting me.

The link to the GDL ITP:

Juan Antonio Añel Cabanelas


Grupo de Usuarios de Linux de Ourense (GULO)


"El sentido común es la cosa mejor repartida del mundo,
pues cada cual piensa que posee tan buena provisión de él,
que aún los más descontentadizos repecto a cualquier otra
cosa no suelen apetecer más del que ya tienen"

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