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Re: embed fonts in eps from R?

On 10/11/06, Yury Yuryev <yurycrib@gmail.com> wrote:

I put here the solution given at r-help list:

Dennis Alexis Valin Dittrich <dd-list@nomans.de>>writes:
> ps2pdf14 -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress figure.eps tmp.pdf
> pdftops -eps tmp.pdf figure_with_embeded_fonts.eps
> The first script is delivered with ghostscript. The second program
> belongs to the xpdf package.

http://tex.aanhet.net/epspdf/index.html provides a GUI to run ps2pdf
and pdftops

GUI options for pdftops are on the "todo" list.  This is a rather
complicated way to get fonts embedded.  In principle, print spoolers
can use the DSC information to download fonts, so
there is code in the printer system to do a more direct conversion.

After that I corrected the box size only.

All other methods I tried like using ps2pdf (with embedding) ->
using embedFonts in R (with pswrite parameter),
using incscape (with importing and exporting eps)
produce eps with text converted to paths, that, IMHO, is not embedding.

There are a couple advantages to using paths.  Some publishers equate
"EPS" with the files saved from Illustrator or Photoshop, and expect
to open the files to apply color corrections or add annotations.  In
general, you can't open files that use fonts that aren't installed on
the system.  While the Adobe base 13 fonts will be available, few
publishers will have the outline math fonts (CM, etc.) supported by

CMYK is still a problem for free software.  I'm involved with a report
series that is now printed directly from PDF.  When our printer first
started using PDF, they wanted sRGB, but now they have gone back to
CMYK.   While there are tools that produce CMYK from RGB, the
conversions are often done using a simple formula that does not deal
with out-of-gamut colors and often produce muddy looking results.

George N. White III <aa056@chebucto.ns.ca>
Head of St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia

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