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Re: Debian based live chemoinformatics CD?

On Thu, Nov 17, 2005 at 09:45:23AM -0600, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> On 17 November 2005 at 12:36, Egon Willighagen wrote:
> | I've been thinking about live linux CDs to demo and easily setup a developers 
> | environment for Java based chemoinformatics software. So I want to make a 
> | custom CD with openbabel, CDK, JChemPaint, Jmol, pyMOL, xdrawchem, 
> | kfile_chemical, etc, and as developers tools C++, eclipse, Blackdown Java (or 
> | something like that).
> | 
> | I have no preference for Kubuntu/Knoppix or whatever, but do require KDE as 
> | desktop (for kfile_chemical).
> | 
> | I know there are some some live CDs around, but would appreciate your ideas of 
> | best practices for setting up such a live CD.
> Quantian already has a clear focus on science / numerics / quant stuff,
> contains the 1.4.2 Java JRE and is KDE-based --- so it would fit your needs.
> I am hoping to have a new Quantian release (based on Knoppix 4.0.2) out "in
> the next little while" and was thinking about Java support as I'd love to
> have the JGR ide/gui/everything for R [http://stats.math.uni-augsburg.de/JGR]
> on it. However, JGR requires Java 1.5 so this is a can of worms.  

When you say Java support, do you mean a free Java stack, or rather
Sun's/Blackdown's java packages?


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