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Re: Intend to update gnome-authenticator 3.32.2 to 4.3.1

Thanks for the feedback on the blog post, I'll update it.

Regarding the last error: there might be a feature you need to patch out or some benchmarks

On Mon, 4 Sept 2023, 14:36 Axel Kittenberger, <axel.kittenberger@univie.ac.at> wrote:
Hello thanks for the heads up.

> In the meantime you can try to get the other missing dependencies for
> authenticator into debian. scrypt, search-provider and aes-gcm seem
> like good starting points. I can recommend reading
> https://blog.hackeriet.no/packaging-a-rust-project-for-debian/ to get
> started. Feel free to ask on the #debian-rust IRC channel on the OFTC
> network if you run into any questions.

This is getting more out of hand than I expected :)

Anyway, I tried to go with scrypt: Issues with said instructions I


It tells me to set CHROOT=unstable-amd64-sbuild but later at 9) it
builds debcargo-unstable-amd64-sbuild I guess it should be rather that?

4) ./update.sh crate-name


./update.sh: abort: debcargo not found, run `cargo install debcargo` or
set DEBCARGO to point to it

fixable by putting in exactly that command (or should rather a matching
debian package be installed?)

13) Push your branch to your fork

Well if I follow the instructions there is no fork. (I registered for
salsa and awaiting approval to create a fork). While I can redirect git
remotes later on, would be more practical to clone the fork right away.

10) ./build.sh scrypt

Gets me this error:

E: The value 'unstable' is invalid for APT::Default-Release as such a
release is not available in the sources
./build.sh: abort: couldn't generate dpkg-dummy/status, is Debian
unstable in your APT sources?

Wait I have to put unstable in /etc/apt/sources.list of the building
system? (Its a trixie VM I thought that would be enough)

10) ./build.sh salsa20 (a dependency of scrypt)

Gets me an error of quilt not been installed (yes fixable with apt
install quilt)

Fixing that I get:

error[E0554]: `#![feature]` may not be used on the stable release channel
  --> benches/mod.rs:1:12
1 | #![feature(test)]
   |            ^^^^

So this is from upstream. Honestly I don't understand enough of Rust to
say if the build did something wrong, or upstream ought to fix this. (I
wrote a Rust script as git extension a while ago, but that's about it)

Kind regards, Axel

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