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Re: greetd+wlgreet packaging and maybe joining the team


On 2022-07-12 03:44, Marc Dequènes wrote:

I did not build greetd yet but here is the starting work is anyone
wants to have a look and has any advice:

I worked on it today and I just switch to the packaged version and it's working fine so far.

I found later notes in some script that recommended using the cargo wrapper directly instead of dh-cargo but I did not find that very practical since dh-cargo prepares a lot of things in the background. Instead I think dh-cargo should be extended to handle non-source builds. In the end I just moved the build from test to build stage and reused all the hard work dh-cargo does, forced a release build, and only managed the installation by myself since the top dir is a virtual project and anyway upstream did not provide any rules. That makes for a very simple debian/rules in the end.

The only thing that was unclear is how I'm supposed to generate debian/cargo-checksum.json, I would have expected dh-cargo to do it and I have no idea how this is done (no traces inside debcargo-conf either). Jonas provided an example package he is working on and I borrowed the little piece of code he made and that worked like a charm. I would like to understand all this more though.

I also wondered why the output dir is set to target/$(DEB_HOST_RUST_TYPE)/release instead of target/release, which cargo (not the wrapper) uses by default, that would simplify passing installation paths to dh_install.


Marc Dequènes

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