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Re: greetd+wlgreet packaging and maybe joining the team


Sorry I was delayed by non-Debian stuff, but i'm back to it.

On 2022-04-27 21:59, Fabian Grünbichler wrote:

we usually try to convince upstreams to publish their stuff, or drop
internal crates if they are not strictly needed for building (e.g., if
they are dev-deps used for testing). if everything fails, packaging what
is published in debcargo-conf and then the leaf (binary) package +
whatever is left internal outside of debcargo-conf as a last resort is
an option of course.

Upstream said that because his program cannot be cargo install-ed as it is a system service, that would not make much sense. Therefore I will package it separately and only the greetd_ipc library will be in debcargo-conf.

I need a dependency, enquote, so I followed the doc and made a new package but I'm not allowed to push. Could someone give me access?

I pushed the work here in the meanwhile:

I did not build greetd yet but here is the starting work is anyone wants to have a look and has any advice:


Marc Dequènes

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