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Re: oj.h not found

> I'm building oj-introspect(0.7.1) required for gitlab, but the build fails due to missing header oj.h from ruby-oj.
> It seems to be a upstream issue https://github.com/meinac/oj-introspect/issues/4

It seems to be the user's local problem and not an upstream issue.

You likely need to package oj[1] first, as I can see instances of the import
in the (lib/) code[2], and then later tweak the import path to find "oj.h" at
the right location.

[1]: https://rubygems.org/gems/oj/versions/3.3.5
| $ egrep -r 'require "oj"'
| ext/oj-introspect/extconf.rb:require "oj"
| lib/oj/introspect.rb:require "oj"


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