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Unparseable version dependency generated by ${ruby:Depends} - dpkg-gencontrol errors out


I have the following in a gemspec:

	s.add_dependency "jekyll-sass-converter", ">= 1.0", "<= 3.0.0", "!= 2.0.0"

Now when using ${ruby:Depends} this generates a dependency like

	ruby-jekyll-sass-converter (!= 2.0.0)

and dpkg-gentrol errors out:

	dpkg-gencontrol: warning: can't parse dependency ruby-jekyll-sass-converter (!= 2.0.0)

I think we need to change that to produce:

	ruby-jekyll-sass-converter (<< 2.0.0) | ruby-jekyll-sass-converter (> 2.0.0)

Regards, Daniel

Daniel Leidert <dleidert@debian.org> | https://www.wgdd.de/
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