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Re: planning to upload ruby-excon 0.72 to unstable causing ruby-vcr to ftbfs

On Mon, Mar 30, 2020 at 3:03 pm, Daniel Leidert <dleidert@debian.org> wrote:
Am Sonntag, den 29.03.2020, 14:15 +0530 schrieb Pirate Praveen:

 ruby-excon 0.72 causes ftbfs in ruby-vcr (all other reverse
 dependencies still work)
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=954731 upstream did not respond for over a month. If someone is interested to take care of
 ruby-vcr, please fix this or at least tell me if I should delay
ruby-excon upload to unstable. If no one stops me, I'd like to upload
 it by next week (April 6).

I tried to debug it a bit. The difference is that request_type() in
lib/vcr/request_handler.rb returns :stubbed_by_vcr with excon 0.60 and
:unhandled with excon 0.72. With the different excon versions response_for() in
lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb produces different results.

If I debug the request:
with excon 0.60
request= #<struct VCR::Request method=:get, uri="http://wrong-domain.com/wrong/path";, body="", headers={"User-Agent"=>["excon/0.60.0"], "X-Http-Header1"=>["val1"]}>

with excon 0.72
request= #<struct VCR::Request method=:get, uri="http://wrong-domain.com/wrong/path";, body="", headers={"User-Agent"=>["excon/0.72.0"], "Accept"=>["*/*"], "X-Http-Header1"=>["val1"]}>

It seems that interaction_matches_request?() therefor cannot match the request
for excon 0.72 and fails, leading to @stubbed_response being nil and
request_type returning :unhandled instead of :stubbed_by_vcr.

The reason for all this might be the new Accept header in excon

Oh, I just debugged the failing tests from
./spec/lib/vcr/library_hooks/webmock_spec.rb. I did not examine the other two
failures, but they might have the same cause.

Regards, Daniel

Thanks Daniel and Antonio for the patch. I'll upload both to unstable now.

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