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Re: ruby-pry-byebug: ships /usr/bin/rubocop, /usr/bin/bundle

No problem!

If a ".gem" file comes with `bin/console` and `bin/setup` files, it's almost 100% of the times a bug upstream. I see that gem2deb automatically excludes these: https://salsa.debian.org/ruby-team/gem2deb/-/blob/f8a0eb655d990079f87c96eb96bd4073759d2b59/lib/gem2deb/gem_installer.rb#L25-26. It'd be good if it could show a warning when it's applying these exclusions so that the issue is noticed and can be also reported upstream.

In general, debian should ship whatever executables come inside the "*.gem" package served by rubygems.org. I think that's the safest thing to do, and that sounds like what gem2deb gem-install layout does (except for the mentioned blacklist).

El 25/2/20 a las 14:10, Pirate Praveen escribió:

On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 12:24 pm, deivid <deivid.rodriguez@riseup.net> wrote:
These kind of files should never be shipped since they are only meant for development. The information about the executable files that should be shipped with a gem can be found in the gemspec. In this case, https://github.com/deivid-rodriguez/pry-byebug/blob/6021d2c01b2d9d00bbf7caace7beab9bf312d988/pry-byebug.gemspec#L19 specifies that the gem should not be shipped with any executables. Hope this is helpful!
Thanks! I usually strip bin/console and bin/setup without thinking much. Since bin/bundle had some logic in it, I wanted to check first. For new packages, we will be using gem-install layout of gem2deb which will include only the files specified by gem2deb.

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