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Re: gem2deb: salsa-ci.yml vs. .gitattributes [was: Re: RFS: ruby-wisper and ruby-necromancer]


pitching in a bit late, but just to confirm: I've also been using
gem2deb version 1.0.4 from debian sid.

thanks a bunch for catching the missing files and creating them! I
didn't think to check for them when creating the packages since I still
don't know very well all that should be there. practice makes perfect,
and getting so much help is definitely boosting my knowledge and confidence.

On 2020-02-11 7:16 p.m., Utkarsh Gupta wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 7:10 PM Georg Faerber <georg@debian.org> wrote:
>>> JFTR: It is also missing debian/.gitattributes - probably for the same
>>> reason.
>> I just did a test: debian/salsa-ci.yml is created correctly, but
>> debian/.gitattributes is not. I guess the current code doesn't handle
>> files with a dot in the beginning, but I didn't check.
> I remember we reproduced the gem2deb-not-creating-salsa-ci.yml issue
> on Antonio's system.
> And also on Samyak's (few hours ago).

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