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For ruby2.8/3.0 in bullseye (Re: Re: Ruby team BoF; here's what happened!)


> >> == Ruby 2.7/2.8 Transition ==
> >>
> >> - 2.8 *might* be too late for Bullseye;
> >> - We're conducting a sprint when 2.7 has an RC (or preferably a stable) release by Dec 2019.
> >  Maybe it'd be better to discuss Ruby upstream, and why don't you try to
> >  package 2.7 before RC? https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/v2_7_0_preview2/NEWS
> I *think* this was the plan. To put 2.7 (maybe RC) in experimental and
> start the whole chain.
> I, personally, could wait for a stable release as well. But don't mind
> otherwise either.
> Also, I'd rather prefer more people to have a say in here; maybe Antonio
> has a better and a structured plan for it?

 It seems that we can do it for Ruby2.8 (maybe it's 3.0) with mass-rebuild
 to put new ruby package into experimental. Ruby2.8-preview1 will be
 released in May or so, then doing mass-rebuild is worth trying, IMHO.

 To catch problems in our package in early stage and back to upstream
 about it is good thing (if it's not too much heavy task), right? :)

Hideki Yamane <henrich@iijmio-mail.jp>

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