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Re: Error while building ruby-sidekiq-cron

On 2019, ജനുവരി 14 3:43:42 AM IST, Utkarsh Gupta <guptautkarsh2102@gmail.com> wrote:
>I was building ruby-sidekiq-cron (via dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us) and
>the following errors [1].
>Could someone possibly walk me through the possible workaround?
>[1]: https://paste.debian.net/1060317/

> I was building `sidekiq-cron` and incurred the following error: https://paste.debian.net/1060317/
What's the possible work-around?

You have to carefully look at the error message to find out the exact reason. In this log you can see a conflict for 6379 port. Your locally installed redis-server is already listening on that port, so when you try to start redis again for tests, it cannot listen on the same port. You should stop redis-server service and run the build again.
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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