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schleuder packaging: Searching for input to run the tests

Hi all,

As announced a while ago, I'm currently packaging schleuder, a GPG
enabled mailing list manager. I'm nearly finished, and worked a lot with
upstream these last days to fix various issues. 

For the moment I'm facing one last showstopper: There is one last
hardcoded path inside the upstream code [1] which defines the locales
dir path. I've tried to come up with a clever idea what to do with this
for the last day but failed; so I'm searching for input and your
collective wisdom now.

If I'm leaving this untouched / unpatched, 
/usr/bin/ruby2.3 /usr/bin/gem2deb-test-runner 
if called during the package build works. Great!

However, running 
gem2deb-test-runner --autopkgtest --check-dependencies 2>&1 
against the installed package fails obviously, the path is wrong at this
time. because I'm installing the locales into /usr/share/schleuder/.

One idea we came up with is the following:

	Patch the upstream src:

	locales_dir = Dir["#{rootdir}/locales/*.yml"]


	I18n.load_path += locales_dir


	Debian src:

	Using quilt:
	- locales_dir = Dir["#{rootdir}/locales/*.yml"]
	+ locales_dir = Dir["/usr/share/schleuder/locales/*.yml"]

	ENV['SCHLEUDER_LOCALES_DIR'] = Dir["#{rootdir}/locales/*.yml"]
	if Dir.exists?('/etc/schleuder')

Of course I'm happy to hear about different approaches, etc.

Thanks in advance and all the best,

[1] https://git.codecoop.org/schleuder/schleuder3/blob/master/lib/schleuder.rb#L75

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