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Re: next Ruby team sprint: early 2016, Brazil

On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 3:14 AM, Antonio Terceiro <terceiro@debian.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 12:11:08PM -0200, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
>> Period
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> We agreed that it should happen at the beginning of the year, because
>> Ruby is usually released on Christmas, and we should be transitioning to
>> Ruby 2.3 by them. We thought about something between January and April.
>> January being high summer season (and also already dangerously close),
>> maybe it would be better to make it a little later.
>> Plane tickets seem to be somewhat cheaper in April compared to January;
>> I checked expedia.co.uk for tickets from Paris all the way to Curitiba
>> and April looks at least 10% cheaper.
>> Speaking with some friends from the local free software scene, they
>> suggested that we might do it close to FLISOL
>> (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FLISOL) so we could take the opportunity
>> and maybe have you as speakers (if desired), or attendees.  FLISOL
>> usually happens at the 4th Saturday of April, and the idea would be to
>> have the sprint in the preceeding week.
> As it turns out, I will have to take this back: I will have to take
> family vacations late April. So we can do either late March, or early
> April. I will appreciate considerations about those.

I am unsure if I can attend at all, but I like the idea!


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