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Re: Notes from the Ruby/JS ad-hoc meeting at DebConf

On Tuesday 01 September 2015 08:05 PM, Cédric Boutillier wrote:
> Hi!
> During DebConf15 in Heidelberg, we manage to organize an ad-hoc session
> to discuss how to deal with the mix between JavaScript libraries and
> Ruby. In addition to members of the Ruby team, attended also Jonas
> Smeregaard and David Prévot, members of the Javascript team.
> Here is my attempt to summarize some of the discussions we had during
> this meeting:
> Because of the Ruby On Rails applications we want to include in the
> archive, we need to package rails assets packages, which often:
> - are very small
> - contain mainly JavaScript code
> We came to the conclusion that the best way to maintain these packages
> is to package separately the javascript library and the Ruby glue.
> - the javascript package should follow the best practices from the
>   JavaScript team
>   https://wiki.debian.org/Javascript/Policy
>   It should be possible for other interpreted languages at the interface
>   of JavaScript to use the JS library with their own glue.
> - we should avoid having JS packages in the ruby section of the archive.

Adding "Section: web" to libjs-* binary packages built from
rails-assets-* source packages would be enough I hope.

If ruby/rails packages are the only user of the package, I think
maintaining it inside the ruby team repo makes sense, if other packages
starts depending on it, then only we need to move the libjs-* packages
to pkg-javascript repo, I think.

At the moment, almost all of the libjs-* packages I created are used by
either diaspora or gitlab.

> - the Ruby package will be very small, but this is supposed not to be an
>   issue to FTP masters, as announced at DebConf. If there are no other
>   way around it, we should be able to send very small packages. Maybe
>   just add a short note somewhere, like in Debian/README.source that the
>   package is small, but it is the only to sanely be able to track
>   upstream and avoid embedded copies.
> - There is a project from the JavaScript team to create a dpkg hook to
>   recombine/compress JavaScript libraries from different packages
>   exactly as upstream application do, to be served by a web server and
>   used by a web application. There is no code for this at the moment,
>   but if you need this functionality, please ping Jonas Smeregaard for this.
> Other attendees of this event are invited to add points I may have
> forgotten or comment on what I wrote if my interpretation is not totally
> correct.
> Cheers,
> Cédric

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