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Re: RFS: trocla-0.0.12-1

Hi Michael,

On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 10:50:46AM +0100, Michael Weiser wrote:
> Hi,

> i believe the following package is ready to be uploaded. Could you
> please sponsor it?

>  trocla 0.0.12-1

> I verified the points listed on
> http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Ruby/Packaging#Requesting_Sponsorship:

> - The package builds fine in a current jessie gbp cowbuilder.
> - lintian reports that the package has a binary /usr/bin/trocla without
>   man page. That is correct. I'm not sure what to do about it. Ignore? The
>   package does install its README.md to /usr/share/doc/trocla though.
> - I have to the best of my knowledge patched out all usage of ruby gems.
> - uscan works.
> - The package can be installed and works. It knows its dependencies.
>   Inside the cowbuilder they're successfully installed automatically for
>   autopkgtest to work.
> - I have added autopkgtest tests. They succeed. The testsuite succeeds
>   on the host as well as in the cowbuilder with autopkgtest.
> - I have tested it with the corresponding puppet module package I'm
>   preparing and its autopkgtests work as well with this trocla package.
> - I have changed the distribution from UNRELEASED to unstable.
> - I have committed, pushed, tagged and pushed the tags.

Here are a few comments about your package:

- you shouldn't have pushed the debian/x.y-z tag. This tag is pushed to
  the repo usually only when the package has been accepted in the
  archive (so that the tags always correspond to the version in the
  archive, and there is no need to bump artificially the version number
  if the package gets rejected).
- your patches do not have a header following the DEP-3 guidelines
  Could you please update them according to those guidelines?
- I think that the config file should be installed under /etc/trocla
  instead of under /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/trocla.
- In debian/copyright, the license should be GPL-3+, not just GPL-3
- the gem has a VERSION file under lib, which gets installed under
  /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby. You should move it under lib/trocla before
  it gets installed (by overriding the dh_install target in the
  debian/rules files) and patch the code to use cope with the change of
- remove the commented line in debian/control about the dependencies
- for the missing manpage, you can write a short one, or use a tool like
  help2man to create one from the help message of the binary, from a
  debian/rules target (see e.g. the packages for thin, rabbit of



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