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Re: Fixing broken (non-)dependency for ruby-elasticsearch

On 6/11/14 8:30 AM, "Cédric Boutillier" <boutil@debian.org> wrote:

>Hi Tim,
>On Mon, Nov 03, 2014 at 11:19:50PM +0000, Potter, Tim (Cloud Services)
>> Hi everyone.  I¹ve noticed that the ruby-elasticsearch is being
>> blocked from testing by the ruby-patron package, which is currently
>> not building for i386.  I¹ve read the README more closely and the
>> ruby-patron library is not a strict runtime dependency, but rather
>> only for optimal performance by implementing HTTP keep-alive.
>> If I change the dependency to Recommends or Suggests will that allow
>> it to go through to testing?  From poking around on the web it looks
>> like the fix for ruby-patron is not an easy fix, and I¹d like to get
>> ruby-elasticsearch into testing.
>It seems that the problem with ruby-patron is not a problem of
>dependency but of build-dependency. To solve the problem, you would need
>to remove the build-dependency on ruby-patron and deactivate all the
>tests using patron (in ruby-elasticsearch-transport it seems).
>I'm afraid that it will be difficult to make this change move to
>testing, since the freeze is today, and this package never was in
>testing before. Fixing patron wouldn't help, because it is not in
>testing either.
>You can try to approach the release team and ask their opinion about
>this package that was prevented to enter testing because of a buggy
>build-dependency that was used only to run some (minor?) tests.

Hi Cedric.  Thanks for the analysis - I was pretty down on the future of
this package but couldn't nail down the exact reasons.  However it turns
out that somehow ruby-elasticsearch made it just in the nick of time!


I'm not really sure why as I don't believe the ruby-patron problem was
fixed, but I'm not going to complain about it.  (-:



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