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Regarding gitlab

Hello everyone,

> I would be happy to help with that and review and/or upload packages for
> Ruby gems needed for gitlab. Just contact debian-ruby@lists.debian.org
> for questions or your RFS requests.
> Cheers,
> Cédric

I couldn't do much about gitlab during the break, but I'm now making up
for it :) I contacted Alexander Golovko <alexandro@ankalagon.ru>, who
has forked the gitlab project from github and worked on a working debian
package. He has allowed me to work on gitlab taking advantage on his
already done work, which is fantastic. There will need to be lots of
modifications, like the removing of the binary gitlab-bundle package for
the ruby gems amongst others.

Just a few questions:

- I believe it is sensible to keep his current changelog file in
  essence, since it has been him doing the work on the package source.
  Would you agree? Would it be better to sum it all up in one pre-debian
  changelog entry, or would it be best to just ignore his changelog and
  just mention him in the debian/copyright file?

- I'll need to package a few gems, as well as gitlab itself. The plan is
  to package them all under pkg-ruby-extras; would that suit you? I see
  here [0] that many other apps such as jekyll are in there too, so I
  guess it fits in there.

- Will we wait for the freeze to end to start bringing the packages to
  the main repos, or will we start using sid/experimental right away?
  I'm not very experienced with ITPs as of yet, I was just wondering.

Thank you for your time.


[0] http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=pkg-ruby-extras-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org

Daniel Martí - mvdan@mvdan.cc - GPG 0x58BF72C3

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