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Re: Feedback on debian-ruby package

Dear Sebastian,

On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 05:26:41PM +0100, Sebastian Boehm wrote:

> I'm currently in the process of cleaning up my ruby-build package[1,
> 2] for inclusion in Debian.

> Since I'm not currently a Debian maintainer, I would love to hear your
> feedback on this packaging effort. Also, I'm looking for possible
> sponsors, so if anybody wants to step in, please drop me a line.

> (Antonio Terceiro has already added a package for rbenv that's better
> than mine, so this request for feedback is just about the ruby-build
> package.)

> Here's the ITP:
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=652075

> I already pushed my Sources to alioth/git.debian.org in case you are
> more comfortable using repos from there.

First, thank for your contribution.
I am not a Debian Developer and cannot therefore propose to sponsor you,
but I nonetheless had a look at your package I got from Alioth. I have a
few remarks/questions that may lead to improvements of your package:

- Should not the Vcs-* fields in debian/control point to the
  git.debian.org server?
- The standards version is 3.9.2 at the moment.
- Usually, the repositories in pkg-ruby-extras contain also a
  pristine-tar branch that can be used to recreate the tarball directly
  from the data in the repository. Your debian/gbp.conf mentions there
  is one. You maybe forgot to push it (it exists on your github
- Your debian/gbp.conf mentions that the debian branch is named 'debian',
  but it seems to me that it is the 'master' branch. In fact, I see that
  in your github repository, 'master' is the upstream branch and 'debian
  the debian branch. You should probably not ship, or else change your
- lintian mentions a problem with your debian/copyright: the text of the
  Expat License should come in a standalone paragraph:
  License: Expat Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any
  person obtaining a copy of this so[...]

  (just leave License: Expat in the debian/* files paragraph, as in the
  paragraph above it)
- The suite indicated in the changelog is lucid, which is not a valid
  name for the suite in Debian (should be unstable).
- You override lintian warnings about missing manpages. Have you thought
  about writing them yourself?
- Should not be rbenv set as a Depends: instead of Recommends:? The
  script rbenv-install will not work without rbenv.

Best regards,


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