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Re: Ruby packaging in wheezy: gem2deb, new policy, etc.

Lucas Nussbaum escreveu isso aí:
> Hi,
> I have consolidated the discussion on
> http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Ruby/RubyInWheezy
> Please review it carefully.
> Cosmetic changes and clarifications are welcomed directly on the wiki
> page.
> More fundamental changes should probably be discussed here first.

I found 2 points while reading that might be usefull to discuss:

0) (native) "libs are named ruby1.8-foo, ruby1.9.1-foo, etc. and provide ruby-foo"

Our current approach is to make the "version independent" package depend on the
package for the default version. I just wanted to make sure: are we going to
change this? (I think it makes sense, anyway).

In the case we do change, then native packages won't have ruby-foo
anymore, only ruby1.8-foo and ruby1.9.1-foo. Currently gem2deb generates
all 3 packages for a native gem: ruby-foo, ruby1.8-foo and ruby1.9.1-foo
(ruby-foo does not depend on anything yet, but that should be fixed
unless ruby-foo is going away for native library packages).

But there is also the case where the package has both pure-ruby code
*and* a native library. Currently what dh_ruby does is to put the
pure-ruby code into ruby-foo (actually, in the first binary package
listed in debian/control) and the native libraries in

terceiro@morere:/tmp/rdiscount-1.6.8/debian$ find ruby-rdiscount/ | grep vendor
terceiro@morere:/tmp/rdiscount-1.6.8/debian$ find ruby1.9.1-rdiscount/ | grep vendor

So we have 2 cases, which we could handle like this:

a) only native code:

  Packages: ruby1.8-foo, ruby-1.9.1 etc

  All of them must provide ruby-foo

b) both pure-ruby and native code

    ruby-foo      - contains pure-ruby code
    ruby1.8-foo   - contains native code for ruby1.8
    ruby1.9.1-foo - contains native code for ruby1.9.1

  ruby1.8-foo and ruby1.9.1-foo (etc) depend on ruby-foo

  ruby-foo depend on the version for the default interpreter (so that
  installing ruby-foo will get you something that words) 

  *** OR ***

  Packages: ruby1.8-foo, ruby1.9.1-foo

  All of them provide ruby-foo

  We duplicate the pure-ruby code in both packages (by installing to

I have the impression that b) is the most common case, anyway.

1) "we need to decide on a migration plan to avoid breaking the archive
for too long"

To avoid breaking everything, we could add 
Provides: libfoo-ruby, libfoo-ruby1.8, libfoo-ruby1.9.1
for pure-ruby library packages, and
Provides: libfoo-ruby, libfoo-ruby${rubyversion}
for native library packages.

This way we don't break the existing dependencies on libfoo-ruby*

Antonio Terceiro <terceiro@softwarelivre.org>

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