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Re: Ruby 1.9.1 and Rails

On 11/2/09 5:05 PM| Nov 2, 2009, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
Richard Hurt escreveu isso aí:
I am trying to move my Squeeze box over to Ruby1.9.1 and Rails and
am having a tough time finding information on how to proceed.  I've
install ruby1.9.1-full and pulled in rubygems1.9.1 from Sid but I
still can't get Rails to work.

Are there any guides, walkthroughs or tutorials for moving a Debian
system to Ruby 1.9.1?  Has anyone tried to run Rails under 1.9.1 on
Squeeze or am I the first?  Is this even the correct list for this
I've just tried on Sid and it works fine.

AFAICT you only need that "ruby", "irb", "gem", etc in your PATH are the
1.9.1 versions. I did that by symlinking them in my ~/bin (which has
higher priority in my PATH than the system directories):

cd ~/bin/
ln -s /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 ruby
ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.9.1 gem
ln -s /usr/bin/irb1.9.1 irb

I've also changed the PATH to include $HOME/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/bin, so that
after installing rails and stuff I can use the programs that come with

But please note that doing this might break other ruby stuff you have
installed, specially packaged applications that are not compatible with
ruby 1.9.1 and refer to "ruby" instead of "ruby1.8" in their shebangs.


Thanks for the reply.  I'm going to give it another try and see what happens and maybe I can get an exact error message.  The difference is that I'm runing Squeeze and you are on Sid.  I don't know how that will play out but hopefully I can get it running.  I'm counting on the faster performance to help me out on a major project.

If I get it working I'll do a little write up and post it on my blog so that others don't have to go through the pain and suffering.  :)

Richard Hurt
CEO KangarooBox, LLC.
e: rnhurt@KangarooBox.com
p: 502-298-5422
w: http://KangarooBox.com
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org:KangarooBox, LLC
adr:Suite 220;;6801 Dixie Hwy.;Louisville;KY;40258;United States
tel;work:(502) 298-5422

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