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Re: rubygems broken?

Michael Schuerig wrote:
> Rubygems in Debian is at version 0.9.4 whereas upstream is at 1.0.1 
> right now. If I'm not mistaken, starting at 1.0, gems has started to 
> update itself automatically, which in turn means that it installs a 
> version that doesn't include the Debian-specific patches.

As far as I know that has always been true.  But recently Eric Hodel
as started including this in his announcement text:

  NOTE: If you have installed RubyGems using a package you may want to
  install a new RubyGems through the same packaging system.

This is because rubygems packaged and rubygems as a gem are
incompatible at this moment in time.  If you have installed rubygems
as a package you should not try to update it with itself as a gem.

These are related:


> I've broken my gem configuration once by doing a gem update --system. I 
> think I've cleaned it up completely afterwards, but there may have 
> remained some residual brokenness.

The old gems were still on the system.  The Debian patched gems script
installs gems into /var/lib/gems while the unpatched gems script
install them in /usr/lib/ruby/gems.

> So, it might be that the problem I'm experiencing is entirely my own 
> fault, but it might as well be that something in the Debian gems 
> packages was broken by recent upstream changes. That's the fun you get 
> when mixing to package management systems.

This is nothing new.  It has always been this way.  There are some
people trying to think up ways to improve things but at the moment
the way ruby does things makes this very hard for packagers.  So at
this moment we are pretty much stuck.


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