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howto package a library with docs, examples and tests ?


Yesterday, I worked on the packaging of the XMPP4R library. It is a
rather large library which includes docs, examples, and unit tests.

I think we should come up with a common policy on how we should package
libraries :

- should examples, rdoc documentation, ri documentation, unit tests be
  packaged ?

- should they be packaged in only one other package (-dev ? -doc ?) or
  several others ? (-examples, -doc, -tests) ?

- How do one generate documentation for ri ?

- I think that it would be a good idea to package unit tests, because
  that would allow for automatic testing of packages after installation.
For example, rake was recently broken in sid : it was ok when it was
uploaded, but the upgrade from ruby 1.8.2 to ruby 1.8.3 broke it.
This could have been detected by some unit tests run by a cron job.
(Also, it would ease the work of developers who work on ruby packaging
in ubuntu, by making it very easy to track down issues introduced by a new
package :-)

- What should we include in the rdoc files ? public methods only ?
  inline source ? diagrams ? (they are very cool!) I usually generate my
HTML doc with rdoc --all --diagram --fileboxes --inline-source
--line-numbers. But this creates a 1.8M -doc package for libxmpp4r-ruby,
while the library itself is only 36K...

My libxmpp4r-ruby package in the pkg-ruby-extras SVN repository does
multipackaging and generates rdoc at package build time. We an use it as
a basis for discussion.
| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas@lucas-nussbaum.net   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
| jabber: lucas@nussbaum.fr             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |

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