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Re: Problems federating to jabber.de, jabber.at, ... XMPP-servers with jessie prosody


I've found a nasty mistake, swapped port numbers on the SRV records.
This also explains why the error message talks about c2s when
contacting another server.  Propagating this through the DNS and
caching are probably the reason for the confusing effects I saw and
see:  The service has still problems, but I hope this will change with
time when the correct DNS values make their way to the other machines.

Best regards,




GPG key: 4096R/617B586D 2010-03-22 Andreas B. Mundt--<andreas.b.mundt@web.de>
                                   Andreas B. Mundt--<andi.mundt@web.de>

         938A 5CEE 1E29 0DE2 55D9  AC98 B01F EA84 617B 586D


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